Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Cutting Ribbons

I'm about to cut you,ribbon, now.
The signal will be heard any moment,
soon the race will start...
It would not be easy, I know.
Never was and never will be.

But I am ready now.
To cut you up, my gilding for so long.
Ready now, to leave you
and make that big leap.

It had been a long time coming.

For I've heard the signal
and its death-like footsteps
so long ago...

I refused to be unwrapped,
supposing I'm happier
with this tight knots
wrapped around me.

But now I can feel
that while wrapped,
I'll be just another
pretty box...

still caged and restricted,
never knowing its power.

I thought wrapping
you around me
would make me safe
Now i realize that
i am no safer here inside...

So I'm cutting you now.

I should cut you now...

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